eNotary seal is a digital representation of your ink seal. It can be round or rectangular. Here are a few tips to make sure your eNotary seal complies with the platform requirements:
- The eNotary Seal needs to have the information specified exactly as indicated on the notary public's commission certificate:
- Your notary public's name
- Your commission number
- Your notary public commission expiration date
- Make sure your seal is designed per your state requirements
- Includes all required wording
- Includes all required graphic elements
- Excludes all not allowed elements
- The stamp saved in a .png format with transparent background since some forms you will be notarizing may have a colored background
- Recommended stamp dimensions 400x200 or 400x400
- No vendor logo, no photo, nor any other additional information is included
For more details, please check the state-specific requirements below.
State-Specific Notary Seal Requirements
| Requirements | Notes |
Alaska (AK) | Alaska notary public eNotary seal must have:- Your name as it appears on your commission
- The words "Notary Public"
- The words "State of Alaska"
- Commission number
- Commission expiration date
| Your signature to be applied to a document’s notary certification separately in addition to your stamp or seal. Example: |
Arizona (AZ) | Arizona notary public eNotary seal must have:
- The words "Notary Public"
- The name of the county you commissioned in
- Your name as it appears on the notarial commission
- The Great Seal of the State of Arizona
- Commission number
- Commission expiration date
| Example: |
Florida (FL) | Florida notary public eNotary seal must have: Your name as it appears on your commission The words "Notary Public" The words "State of Florida" Commission number Commission expiration date
| Example:  |
Minnesota (MN) | Minnesota notary public eNotary seal must have: - Seal of the State of Minnesota
- Your name as it appears on your commission
- The words "Notary Public" or Notarial Officer"
- The words "My commission expires"
- Commission expiration date
| Example: |
North Dakota (ND) | North Dakota notary public eNotary seal must have: - The words "State of North Dakota"
- The words "Notary Public"
- Your name as it appears on the authorization
- Commission expiration date
- The seal must have a border
Prohibited: - Any additional words, numbers, symbols
- Use of the Great Seal of the State of North Dakota on notary stamp
| Example: |
New Jersey (NJ) | New Jersey notary public eNotary seal must have:- Your name as it appears on your commission
- The words "Notary Public, State of New Jersey"
- Commission expiration date
| Example: |
New York (NY) | New York notary public eNotary seal must have:- Your name as it appears on your commission
- The words "Notary Public for the State of New York"
- The name of the county you qualified in
- Commission expiration date
| Example: |
Ohio (OH) | Ohio notary public eNotary seal must have:- Your name as it appears on your commission
- The Coat of Arms of Ohio
- The words "Notary Public"
- The words "State of Ohio"
| Example:
Oklahoma (OK) | Oklahoma notary public eNotary seal must have: - Your name as it appears on your commission
- The words "Notary Public"
- The words "State of Oklahoma"
Optional:- Commission number
- Commission expiration date
| Example: |
Oregon (OR) | Oregon notary public eNotary seal must have:- Your name as it appears on your commission
- The words "Notary Public – Oregon"
- The words "Commission No." followed by your commission number
- The words "My Commission Expires _____ (date)"
| Month must be spelled out completely, with two digits for the date and four digits for the year Example:
Pennsylvania (PA) | Pennsylvania notary public eNotary seal must have: - The words "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania"
- The words "Notary Seal"
- Your name as it appears on your commission
- The words "Notary Public"
- The name of the county where your office is located
- Commission expiration date
- Commission number
- The seal must have a plain border
| For more information please visit the Pennsylvania DOS website Example: |
Rhode Island (RI) | Rhode Island notary public eNotary seal must have:
- Your name as it appears on your commission
- The words "NOTARY PUBLIC"
- The words "RHODE ISLAND"
Optional:- Commission number
- Commission expiration date
| The stamp shall be in round (circular) or rectangular form with an edge border surrounding the required elements of the stamp Example: |
Texas (TX) | Texas notary public eNotary seal must have: - Your name as it appears on your commission
- The words "Notary Public, State of Texas" around a star of five points
- Commission ID number
- Commission expiration date
- The seal must be rectangular and have a milled edge border
| Example:
Tennessee (TN) | Tennessee notary public eNotary seal must have: - Circular shape
- Your name as it appears on your commission printed at the top
- The county of election printed at the bottom
- The words "State of Tennessee Notary Public" or "Tennessee Notary Public" printed in the center
- The words "Online Notary Public"
| Example: |
Virginia (VA) | Virginia notary public eNotary seal must have: - Your name as it appears on your commission
- The words "Electronic Notary Public"
- The words "Commonwealth of Virginia"
- Commission number
- Commission expiration date
| Example: |
Washington (WA) | Washington notary public eNotary seal must have: - Your name as it appears on your commission
- The words "Notary Public"
- The words "State of Washington"
- Commission number
- Commission expiration date
- The seal can be rectangular or circular
Prohibited:- Use of the Great Seal of the State of Washington on the notary stamp
| Example: |
Wisconsin (WI) | Wisconsin notary public eNotary seal must have: - The words "State of Wisconsin"
- The words "Notary Public"
- Your complete legal last name as it appears on your commission
Optional:- You may use initials or a shortened first name
| Example:
West Virginia (WV) | West Virginia notary public eNotary seal must have: - The words "Official Seal"
- The words "Electronic Notary Public"
- The words "State of West Virginia"
- Your name as it appears on your commission
- The address as it appears on your commission
- Commission expiration date
- The West Virginia State Seal
- Commission number
| For more information please review the state requirements, section 11.2.3 Example:
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