You must undergo a credential analysis as part of the identity verification process. This involves taking a photo of your government-issued Photo ID to confirm its authenticity to prevent any fraudulent attempts.

How it Works

  1. Once you've completed the first step of the identity verification process through KBA, you will be directed to a Photo ID verification page.

    • On a PC or laptop, you'll get instructions to start Photo ID verification on your smartphone. You can use a QR code or request a verification link via text message.
    • On a smartphone, the identity verification instructions will be immediately visible to you.

  2. Follow the provided guidelines for taking a clear photo of your Photo ID so it reliably passes ID verification process.

  3. Once you submit images of your Photo ID, the ID verification provider will analyze the images.  

  4. When the ID verification partner accepts the photos of your ID, you will see an invitation to proceed with preparation for the notarization session.

  5. The verification data would be shown to the notary during the notarization session, so the notary would visually confirm that the person joining the session is the ID holder.


  • If the image does not meet the required quality standards, you will receive a notification and be guided to retake the photos. Here is how to take a good picture of your ID
  • Many factors play into the pass-or-fail result, and multiple photo retakes are common. Sometimes, using a different phone helps with the focus and generates a better photo result.
  • Each participant gets 5 attempts to take photos of the Photo ID credential. If 5 tries do not verify the Photo ID, the system will register it as a fail and prevent more attempts for 24 hours. 

See also