OneNotary is now offering RON assignments for notaries with approved profiles. 

To receive those assignments:

  1. Register for OneNotary notary profile
  2. Study OneNotary training materials
  3. Go to the "Platform Requests" and press the "Apply" button

  4. Enter the zip-codes you would like to serve as a mobile notary. 

  5. Enter the demo session ID (6-character session identifier from your Notary Journal). 
    Choose your best session as an online notary. We will assess how you communicate with the client and complete the paperwork. This may be a test session with a friend or a real session with a client.

  6. After your application is submitted, you will see the "Platform Requests" page change. It may take a few weeks for your application to be processed. If your demo session meets the OneNotary service standards, you will be qualified. 
  7. When qualified, you will need to complete internal RON training.

  8. When the training is completed, you will get text messages with platform assignment details. Also, you will see new assignments on the "Platform Requests" page.

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